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VW Starting Issues

VW Starting Issues

When you buy a Volkswagen, you can expect luxury, safety and a sleek design. Yet, even the finest cars, VWs included, can experience problems.

Issues such as battery malfunctions, starter motor breakdowns or fuel system problems aren’t uncommon and can impact any vehicle, regardless of its brand.

At Somerset Vehicle Services, we recognise the importance of restoring your VW back to optimal function. Our VW experts have specialist knowledge allowing us to solve any issues your VW might experience, even VW starting problems. 

In this article, we’ll explore the various reasons why your VW might be struggling to start and what to do if you have these issues. 

Need help with your VW starting issues? Call Somerset Vehicle Services today. 

VW Starting Issues

Common Reasons Why Your VW Won’t Start

When your VW won’t start, there are several potential causes to consider. The usual suspects include:

  • Dead Battery: A common reason for a VW not starting is a dead or weak battery. This can be incredibly frustrating. Causes range from an old battery, accidental drainage (like leaving the lights or radio on) or an alternator that’s not recharging the battery as it should.
  • Ignition Switch Issues: If your ignition switch is faulty, it may not send the necessary electrical signals to start the engine. Facing this problem? Somerset Vehicle Services is here to help.
  • Starter Motor Problems: Your engine won’t turn over if there’s an issue with the starter motor, whether it’s the motor itself or the solenoid attached to it. Seek professional advice from our team at Somerset Vehicle Services if this occurs.
  • Fuel System Challenges: Problems in your VW fuel system, like a clogged fuel filter, a malfunctioning fuel pump or even an empty fuel tank, can prevent your engine from starting.
  • Ignition System Faults: Issues with components such as ignition coils, spark plugs or ignition modules can stop your engine from igniting. If you think this might be your issue, reach out to Somerset Vehicle Services.
  • Security System Faults: If your VW security system is faulty, it could be the reason why it won’t start.
  • Key or Key Fob Issues: If your VW doesn’t recognise the key or key fob signal, it may not start up.
  • Fuel Injection System Fault: Problems with the fuel injection system, particularly faulty fuel injectors, can lead to difficulties in starting your vehicle. If you’re experiencing this, Somerset Vehicle Services can provide the expert assistance you need.
  • Electronic Control Module (ECM) Problems: The ECM, which oversees many of your engine’s functions, might be causing start-up issues if it’s not working correctly.
  • Electrical and Wiring Issues: Electrical problems, such as loose connections or corroded terminals, can impact your VW’s ignition system.

For start-up issues with your VW, expert assistance is often the best solution.

Our VW specialists at Somerset Vehicle Services have decades of experience and expertise caring for all VW vehicles. We can diagnose and resolve any starting problems during your first visit. Call Somerset Vehicle Services today for all your VW needs.

Top Tips to Avoid Starting Issues

To maintain your VW’s performance and reduce the likelihood of starting problems, consider these preventive measures:

  • Regular Maintenance: Strictly follow the maintenance schedule in your VW’s owner’s manual. Regular VW servicing can catch and address minor issues before they escalate, saving your money, time and stress.
  • Battery Care: Keep an eye on your VW battery’s condition. Replace it when it shows signs of wear or reaches the end of its lifespan. Also, ensure the battery terminals are clean and secured. If you need assistance with your battery, Somerset Vehicle Services is here to help.
  • Fuel Quality: Always use high-quality fuel for your VW and try to avoid letting the fuel tank run too low, as this can overwork your fuel pump.
  • Key and Fob Maintenance: Protect your keys and fobs from damage by avoiding exposure to extreme weather and water. Replace the fob battery when necessary.
  • Cold Weather Care: In cold weather, let your engine run for a short time before driving to lessen wear and tear on your VW engine and starter motor.
  • Electrical Accessory Management: Turn off all electrical accessories like lights, air conditioning, sat nav and the radio when your engine is off, particularly before starting the engine, to avoid battery drain.
  • Steering Wheel Lock Awareness: For VWs with keyless start, ensure the steering wheel isn’t locked before ignition, as a locked wheel can prevent the car from starting.
  • Security System Upkeep: Maintain your VW’s security systems in peak condition with regular servicing. If you notice any issues with the alarm or immobiliser, contact Somerset Vehicle Services for expert assistance.
  • Limit Short Trips: Short drives may prevent your VW engine from fully charging, which can lead to battery drain and VW starting issues. Always opt for longer journeys when possible.
  • Emergency Preparedness: Keep essentials like jumper cables or a portable battery booster in your vehicle for unexpected battery problems.
  • Regular Usage: Drive your VW frequently. Prolonged inactivity can lead to battery drain and other VW starting issues.

By following these tips, you can minimise the risk of VW start-up issues, ensuring your VW runs as new.

If you encounter starting problems with your Volkwagen, we recommend seeking professional help. Our VW specialists at Somerset Vehicle Services are skilled in resolving all VW issues efficiently and effectively. You always get dealership-level servicing at better value with us. 

For any VW starting issues, call Somerset Vehicle Services for a reliable first-time solution.


How Can I Identify a Low Battery in my VW? 

There are several indicators that your VW’s battery may be losing its charge:

  • Headlight Variability: A clear sign of a weakening battery is when your headlights get brighter as you accelerate but dim when the car is idling.
  • Corrosion Signs: Regularly check your battery for visible corrosion around the cables and connection terminals.
  • Frequent Jump-Starts: Needing to jump-start your car often is a strong indication that your battery is nearing the end of its lifespan.
  • Slow Engine Start: If it takes longer than usual to start your engine, this could be a symptom of a battery problem.

My VW Battery is Drained. How Do I Give it a Jumpstart?

To jumpstart your VW, follow these simple steps:

  1. Get a set of jumper cables and a second vehicle with a fully charged battery.
  2. Connect one end of the red (positive) jumper cable to the positive (+) terminal of your VW’s battery. Attach the other end to the positive terminal of the second vehicle’s battery.
  3. Connect one end of the black (negative) jumper cable to the negative (-) terminal of the assisting vehicle’s battery. Attach the other end to a clean, unpainted metal surface on your VW, away from the battery.
  4. Start the engine of the assisting vehicle and let it run for a few minutes. Then, attempt to start your VW.
  5. Once your VW starts, carefully remove the jumper cables in the reverse order they were attached.
  6. Keep your VW running for about 10-15 minutes to help recharge the battery.

VW Starting Issues

Remember: Jumpstarting your VW is a temporary fix. If you find yourself needing to jumpstart your VW often, it’s best to take it to Somerset Vehicle Services for an inspection and potential battery replacement.

Should I Tackle Starting Issues in my VW by Myself? 

At Somerset Vehicle Services, we strongly recommend against attempting to troubleshoot starting issues with your VW on your own.

While we commend the DIY approach, it can often leave your VW suffering from undiagnosed issues that go unchecked. This can result in expensive future repair bills. 

Our team of VW specialists is equipped with the expertise and tools needed to address any VW starting problem. We provide dealership-level care with the added benefit of better value. We even have access to the same level of technical information as the main VW dealers. 

Whether your VW requires a simple fix or a more complex repair, our experienced VW specialists are here to assist. 

Call Somerset Vehicle Services for a dependable, first-time fix.

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